Fulbright Spotlight: prof. Zhang Luoping Fulbright Scholar at the University of Udine

We would like to thank prof. Zhang Luoping for the impact of the lectures she held at the University of Udine as a Fulbright scholar.

Zhang Luoping, Professor in Toxicology, School of Public Health, University of California at Berkeley, taught a course on “Carcinogens, Carcinogenesis and Cancer (3Cs): Applied Biotechnologies” to 17 students from the program of Biotechnology at the Department of Medicine, University of Udine, Udine, Italy.

“As their instructor, I am truly proud of our students, their remarkably swift progress of learning, and their courage and willingness of presenting their final projects on cancer.”

This is how prof. Luoping describes her teaching experience in Italy.

Her project focused on integrating cutting-edge biotechnologies used in broad cancer research fields, e.g. molecular epidemiology, toxicology, functional genomics, and exposure sciences. The course goal was to familiarize students with applications of biotechnology in exposure-related cancer research and to guide them to apply these concepts in a self-directed research project.

In fact, at the end of the course, the students presented their projects, following the guidelines of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Additionally, they were acting as members of the IARC Working Group voting and classifying their potential or established carcinogens to specific IARC groups.

Moreover, students have applied the knowledge learned from this course, such as the key characteristics of carcinogens, the multiple stages of carcinogenesis, and prevention plans for human cancer to their specific projects.

Thank you, prof. Zhang for all that you did as a Fulbright Scholar in Italy.