Congratulations to Jessie Chaffee #Fulbright Alumna (a.y.2014-2015) at FUA Florence University of the Arts who finally published ‘Florence in Ecstasy’, her first novel.

Jessie spent a year in #Florence investigating <<contemporary issues of female identity as informed by the legacy of the Italian mystical saints>>. We are so proud of you, Jessie! http://www.jessiechaffee.com/.
Don’t miss the book that the San Francisco Chronicle describes so: <<Take a 29-year-old art museum fundraiser who also happens to suffer a terrible, debilitating illness — an eating disorder that begins to dismantle her otherwise-promising Boston life. (Hannah is hyper-thin, exhausted and unwell-looking; she forgets things, passes out, ducks into bathrooms to vomit the food just consumed. Soon, her employer lays her off.) Pop her onto a plane and whisk her to Florence, Italy, in July, with no clear purpose except to flail toward some way to restore herself — and eccola: you’ve entered Jessie Chaffee’s thoughtful, provocative first novel, “Florence in Ecstasy.”>>